The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a system for assigning coordinates to locations on the surface of the Earth. Like the traditional method of latitude and longitude, it is a horizontal position representation, which means it ignores altitude and treats the earth as a perfect ellipsoid. However, it differs from global latitude/longitude in that it divides earth into 60 zones and projects each to the plane as a basis for its coordinates. Specifying a location means specifying the zone and the x, y coordinate in that plane. The projection from spheroid to a UTM zone is some parameterization of the transverse Mercator projection. The parameters vary by nation or region or mapping system.
How to Calculate the Boundaries of an UTM Zone
- UTM zones are all 6 degrees wide and increase from west to east starting at the -180 degree mark.
- Calculate the eastern boundary of any UTM zone by multiplying the zone number by 6 and substract 180.
- Subtract 6 degrees to obtain the western boundary.
- Therefore to find the eastern boundary of UTM zone 11: Eastern boundary of zone 11 = (11 * 6) – 180 = -114 degrees.
- Western boundary of zone 11 = -114 – 6 = -120 degrees.
How do I find my UTM zone ?
In this video I explain how to find your location zone by using google earth
How Change utm form zone to another zone
Do the followings:-
- Open the drawing in Civil 3D or AutoDesk Map3D which needs to be converted to another coordinate system.
- Set the drawing current coordinate system then save and close.
- Open a new drawing and set coordinate system to new zone you want.
- Attache the first drawing through MAP WORKSPACE features.
- Query the attached drawing and chose DRAW option form the query window.
For more details see this video